Purpose: To strengthen the ability of youth (ages 14-24) with disabilities, their families, and public and private service agencies in the Washington, DC metropolitan area to achieve positive employment, continuing education, and independent living outcomes by (1) providing regular opportunities for stakeholders to network, share information, and advocate for change; (2) maintaining www.dctransition.org, an online resource for local secondary transition resources, and sharing information through this venue so that Power With are able to provide information about transition related activities, opportunities, and working groups; and (3) disseminating a bi-monthly electronic newsletter of transition related events and opportunities.
Who it serves: DC youth with special needs and disabilities, and those that support them
Power With: DC RSA, The HSC Foundation, Inclusion Research Institute, Youth Empowerment and Advocacy Resource Center (YEARC), and The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health
Link(s): http://www.dctransition.org