To provide a way for DC youth with disabilities, IEPs, and 504 plans (ages 12-25) to connect to opportunities in their communities to be leaders and build the skills needed to succeed. The DC Youth Leaders Network provides opportunities to: (1) Speak to policy makers in government; (2) Connect with employers; (3) Work with your peers and build self-advocacy skills; (4) Participate in local transition conferences in DC, VA, PA, DE, etc.; (5) Facilitate and lead local trainings and workshops for youth, schools, service providers, parents, etc.; (6) Network with local and national experts; and (7) Participate in self-expression through the arts.
Who it serves: DC youth with disabilities, IEPs, and 504 plans (ages 12-25)
Power With:
Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities, and the DC Secondary Transition Community of Practice