Voices of Change at MLK Library: May 23, 2025.

Voices of Change is for D.C. high school students with disabilities to gain knowledge and skills to lead self-determined lives through opportunities to learn, lead, and act. This year’s theme is Own Your Story, Own Your Future, specifically as it relates to disability awareness, self-expression, and career exploration.

When: Friday, May 23, 2025  |  10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Where: Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library  |  901 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20001


  • D.C. high school students with disabilities, including students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 Plans
  • This is a Pre-Employment Transition Service (Pre-ETS), funded by the D.C. Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). Completion of PRE-ETS consent forms for students is highly encouraged.

This event is designed for small groups of students to be accompanied by school staff or an adult chaperone. Registration is coming soon!

Learn More: If you have additional questions, contact Sarah Grime or Noah Beaufford at 202-487-1976 or [email protected].

Agenda At-A-Glance

  • Opening Plenary – Voices of Change will open with a high-energy plenary session featuring performers, a youth DJ, and brief framing remarks.
  • Breakout Activities – Youth will rotate through several opportunities:
    • Exhibit Hall with a focus on careers that create change, mini-informational interviews with professionals, time with community vendors and service providers, and information on entrepreneurship
    • Exploratory Stations led by students with disabilities with a focus on hands-on learning.
    • DC Public Library Tours hosted by the library’s Center for Accessibility (limited slots available)
  • Closing Performance & Lunch – Voices of Change will wrap up in this session with a call to action and youth performers.

Special Thanks to Our Partners & Funders

  • DC Department on Disability Services’ Rehabilitation Services Administration
  • DC Public Library Center for Accessibility
  • John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
  • Education Forward DC

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